Unity ECS Samples - HelloCube
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官方项目地址:Unity-Technologies/EntityComponentSystemSamples (github.com)
Main Thread Sample
IJobEntity Samples
Aspects sample
Prefabs sample
创建大量cube prefab在随机位置,并让它们逐渐下落,当位置y小于0时销毁,当所有的cube都被销毁那么再重新创建它们
- SpawnerAuthoring
- SpawnSystem
- FallAndDestroySystem
在Spawner 下挂载脚本 SpawnerAuthoring 创建spawner的entity
// An authoring component is just a normal MonoBehavior that has a Baker<T> class.
// authoring 组件只是具有 Baker 类的普通 MonoBehavior<T>。
public class SpawnerAuthoring : MonoBehaviour
public GameObject Prefab;
// In baking, this Baker will run once for every SpawnerAuthoring instance in a subscene.
// 在烘焙中,此 Baker 将为子场景中的每个 SpawnerAuthoring 实例运行一次。
// (Note that nesting an authoring component's Baker class inside the authoring MonoBehaviour class
// is simply an optional matter of style.)
// (请注意,将创作组件的 Baker 类嵌套在创作 MonoBehaviour 类中只是一个可选的样式问题。
// Baker<T> 将 T Mono class bake 成 entity
class Baker : Baker<SpawnerAuthoring>
public override void Bake(SpawnerAuthoring authoring)
var entity = GetEntity(TransformUsageFlags.None);
AddComponent(entity, new Spawner
Prefab = GetEntity(authoring.Prefab, TransformUsageFlags.Dynamic)
SpawnSystem 用来生成所有的cube
public partial struct SpawnSystem : ISystem
uint updateCounter;
public void OnCreate(ref SystemState state)
// This call makes the system not update unless at least one entity in the world exists that has the Spawner component.
public void OnUpdate(ref SystemState state)
// Create a query that matches all entities having a RotationSpeed component.
// 创建一个query来查找所有 Entities 包含 RotationSpeed component 也就是 cubes
// (The query is cached in source generation, so this does not incur a cost of recreating it every update.)
// query 会被缓冲到source generation,所以不会每次update都重新创建
var spinningCubesQuery = SystemAPI.QueryBuilder().WithAll<RotationSpeed>().Build();
// Only spawn cubes when no cubes currently exist.
// 只在所有的cube都被销毁才创建
if (spinningCubesQuery.IsEmpty)
// GetSingleton<T>()将获得instance的单例,我们只需要一个spawner在场景中
// 这个函数在场景中不存在或者存在一个以上的包含Spawner component的entity时就会报错
// 因此需要在OnCreate上加上对Spawner的依赖,确保至少有一个Spawner时才update
var prefab = SystemAPI.GetSingleton<Spawner>().Prefab;
// Instantiating an entity creates copy entities with the same component types and values. // 创建 entities -> cube 500个
var instances = state.EntityManager.Instantiate(prefab, 500, Allocator.Temp);
// Unlike new Random(), CreateFromIndex() hashes the random seed
// so that similar seeds don't produce similar results.
var random = Random.CreateFromIndex(updateCounter++);
// Update the entity's LocalTransform component with the new position.
// 对 component 的乱序查询是非常消耗性能的,一般尽量query component得到entity,然后迭代访问component
// 最推荐的做法还是先query再访问每个transform ???
// TODO: SystemAPI.GetComponentRW 可以指定从实体中获取组件 SystemAPI.Query 好像不行
foreach (var (trans,speed) in SystemAPI.Query<RefRW<LocalTransform>,RefRO<RotationSpeed>>()) {
trans.ValueRW.Position = (random.NextFloat3() - new float3(0.5f, 0, 0.5f)) * 20;
foreach (var entity in instances)
var transform = SystemAPI.GetComponentRW<LocalTransform>(entity);
transform.ValueRW.Position = (random.NextFloat3() - new float3(0.5f, 0, 0.5f)) * 20;
FallAndDestroySystem cube的下落和销毁
public partial struct FallAndDestroySystem : ISystem
public void OnCreate(ref SystemState state) {
public void OnUpdate(ref SystemState state)
// rotation
float deltaTime = SystemAPI.Time.DeltaTime;
foreach (var (transform, speed) in
SystemAPI.Query<RefRW<LocalTransform>, RefRO<RotationSpeed>>())
// ValueRW and ValueRO both return a ref to the actual component value.
// The difference is that ValueRW does a safety check for read-write access while
// ValueRO does a safety check for read-only access.
// ValueRW 和 ValueRO 都返回对实际组件值的引用。区别在于,ValueRW 对读写访问进行安全检查,而 ValueRO 对只读访问进行安全检查。
transform.ValueRW = transform.ValueRO.RotateY(
speed.ValueRO.RadiansPerSecond * deltaTime);
// An EntityCommandBuffer created from EntityCommandBufferSystem.Singleton will be
// played back and disposed by the EntityCommandBufferSystem when it next updates.
// 从 EntityCommandBufferSystem.Singleton 创建的 EntityCommandBuffer 将在 EntityCommandBufferSystem 下次更新时运行并释放。
var ecbSingleton = SystemAPI.GetSingleton<BeginSimulationEntityCommandBufferSystem.Singleton>();
var ecb = ecbSingleton.CreateCommandBuffer(state.WorldUnmanaged);
// Downward vector
var movement = new float3(0, -SystemAPI.Time.DeltaTime * 5f, 0);
// WithAll() includes RotationSpeed in the query, but
// the RotationSpeed component values will not be accessed.
// WithEntityAccess() includes the Entity ID as the last element of the tuple.
// WithAll() 在查询中包含 RotationSpeed,但不会访问 RotationSpeed 组件值。WithEntityAccess() 将实体 ID 作为元组的最后一个元素包含在内。
foreach (var (transform, entity) in
transform.ValueRW.Position += movement;
if (transform.ValueRO.Position.y < 0)
// Making a structural change would invalidate the query we are iterating through,
// so instead we record a command to destroy the entity later.
// 进行结构更改会使我们正在迭代的查询失效,因此我们稍后会记录一个命令以销毁实体。
IJobChunk代替IJobEntity来处理 cube 的旋转
IJobEntity 和 IJobChunk 的区别:
IJobEntity 为与查询匹配的每个实体
IJobChunk 为与查询匹配的每个区块
- RotationJob
- RotationSystem
struct RotationJob : IJobChunk
// 比较 IJobEntity, 这里的变量是ComponentTypeHandle<T> ; 而IJobEntity可以在Execute使用ref T
public ComponentTypeHandle<LocalTransform> TransformTypeHandle;
[ReadOnly] public ComponentTypeHandle<RotationSpeed> RotationSpeedTypeHandle;
public float DeltaTime;
// v128 表示 128 位 SIMD 值
public void Execute(in ArchetypeChunk chunk, int unfilteredChunkIndex, bool useEnabledMask,
in v128 chunkEnabledMask)
// The useEnableMask parameter is true when one or more entities in
// the chunk have components of the query that are disabled.
// If none of the query component types implement IEnableableComponent,
// we can assume that useEnabledMask will always be false.
// However, it's good practice to add this guard check just in case
// someone later changes the query or component types.
// 当区块中的一个或多个实体具有 disable 的查询组件时,useEnableMask 参数为 true。如果查询组件类型均未实现 IEnableComponent,
// 则可以假定 useEnabledMask 将始终为 false。但是,最好添加此保护检查,以防以后有人更改查询或组件类型。
var transforms = chunk.GetNativeArray(ref TransformTypeHandle);
var rotationSpeeds = chunk.GetNativeArray(ref RotationSpeedTypeHandle);
for (int i = 0, chunkEntityCount = chunk.Count; i < chunkEntityCount; i++)
transforms[i] = transforms[i].RotateY(rotationSpeeds[i].RadiansPerSecond * DeltaTime);
public partial struct RotationSystem : ISystem
public void OnCreate(ref SystemState state)
public void OnUpdate(ref SystemState state)
var spinningCubesQuery = SystemAPI.QueryBuilder().WithAll<RotationSpeed, LocalTransform>().Build();
var job = new RotationJob
TransformTypeHandle = SystemAPI.GetComponentTypeHandle<LocalTransform>(),
RotationSpeedTypeHandle = SystemAPI.GetComponentTypeHandle<RotationSpeed>(true),
DeltaTime = SystemAPI.Time.DeltaTime
// Unlike an IJobEntity, an IJobChunk must be manually passed a query.
// Furthermore, IJobChunk does not pass and assign the state.Dependency JobHandle implicitly.
// (This pattern of passing and assigning state.Dependency ensures that the entity jobs scheduled
// in different systems will depend upon each other as needed.)
//与 IJobEntity 不同,必须手动向 IJobChunk 传递查询。此外,IJobChunk 不会传递和分配状态。
//隐式依赖项 JobHandle。(这种传递和分配状态的模式。依赖关系可确保在不同系统中调度的实体作业将根据需要相互依赖。
state.Dependency = job.Schedule(spinningCubesQuery, state.Dependency);
Reparenting sample
EnableableComponents Sample